Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lil' Miss Wood

The fabulous Lil' Miss Wood.  I had been waiting patiently for her birth so I could have the honor of taking her pictures.  She was the most photogenic two week old and let me take endless photos of her with nary a peep.   And her parents never take a bad picture.  Seriously, never.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Osborn Family


The Osborn family has become some of our dearest friends.  We go to church together, the women shop together, the men run together, and the wives and the kids cheer together.  Our extended families do not live close to either of us so we take turns watching each other’s kids so we can maintain sanity.  We have also prearranged for Miss M and Mr. W to get married!  I love taking the Osborn’s pictures because the cute kids make for great pictures and they are such a fun family to be with. However, as you will see in the full album, Mr. Osborn can be very serious about his picture taking.





Saturday, December 18, 2010

Run, Run As Fast As You Can

This year my husband, Steven, decided that he was going to run some races.  All these years  of running in the Army have gone to waste when he could be running and getting a free t-shirt out if it.  Recently, he ran the Philadelphia Marathon.  I am not a runner; someone would have to be chasing me with a sharp object to get me to run that far.  However, I must admit that seeing all of the people there at 5early in the morning jazzed about running, the Rocky theme song blaring over the loud speaker was almost enough to make me want to take off running with then. Then I came to my senses.

We had a great time cheering on the thousands of participants!  It was amazing to see the different ages, sizes and abilities running this race.  We had a wonderful time exploring the city of Philadelphia and seeing some of the amazing sites like the Liberty Bell and eating some great Philly Cheesesteaks!


296 (2) 204 (2) 270 (2) 297 (2)

032 (2)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Wilson Family

The Wilsons are one of the loveliest families I know.  In the year and half I have known them, I have never seen any of them without a smile on their faces.  And their children!  They are every parent’s dream.  I’ve asked them before what they drug or threaten them with.  They are just that well behaved and sweet! 

On the day of this photo shoot, the children were perfect and the entire group was smiling despite the FREEZING temperature!!  The arctic winds blowing off the Hudson River would have put most people in a mood that might lead to less-than-great pictures. Not the Wilsons. No one complained through their chattering teeth.  They were such a joy to photograph, I hope they give me the honor and privilege again. 



 Wilson Family Pictures 027

MJ Wilson Kids Wilson Family Pictures 133  Wilson Family Pictures 072_edited - Copy

Monday, November 1, 2010

My Lovable Weirdos

Ahhh, my Lovable Weirdoes…  They can’t get any weirder or any sweeter than these two.  The oldest LW is Diva.   She can strike a pose with the best of them and has never met a camera she didn’t like (or didn’t love her, for that matter).  Then there is LW The Dude.  He’s dude, all dude and nothing but dude.  And he’s always on the move.  He’s a ham and you have to have the camera ready and set for action shot to get a photo of him that’s not a blur! 

Before all the leaves fell off our tree and were on the ground turning dry and brown, I took our LW outside for a little photo shoot and they did not disappoint. LW Diva was ready to pose and pout.  LW Dude was on the move with a stick that needed to be in almost every picture.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bébé Hudson

Anyone who has ever taken pictures of babies knows that it is rarely an easy task.  They may be sleepy, hungry, or distracted.  Or they may just not be interested in having their picture taken at that time (hey, that sounds a lot like a husband that I’m married to).  Sweet Bébé Hudson was nothing but a joy to take pictures of.  His mommy had him nice and full (or milk drunk as I call it).  He was only happy coo’s and spit bubbles.  I can’t wait to take more pictures of this family!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cold Spring, NY

Insanely early one fall morning, I left the house with coffee in one hand and camera in the other.  A short while later I was wandering around the quaint town of Cold Spring, NY.  Cold Spring sits on the east bank of the Hudson River directly across from West Point. There are some incredible views of the granite walls of the military academy from the town’s dock.  I was with a group of photography students and as we walked along the streets we watched the town wake up.  There was plenty to take pictures of - quiet coffee shops, antique stores that were filled with some interesting treasure (or possibly just junk), and the neighbors putting out their former collectables for a yard sales. Such a great town.  I can’t wait to go back to make more pictures and get the fabulous vintage coat I saw in the antique story. It was certainly not junk.